Once Upon A Time...
Don't worry about the title just yet, that can come later, begin where you can. The story so far is called "I don't know" and that about sums it up. I don't know. I suppose it's the " I don't know where to start" problem. Perhaps it's about not starting at the beginning, just starting. Char A, comes home, back to the house of her childhood. With the tall green gate, behind which lay the garden, the place where her father killed the cock, burned the wasps nest, with the hedge at the bottom of the garden where the chicken run was. In the village in the centre of the bay, with the mountains to the north, the mountains of legend and myth, stories of the hero Cucuhalain; and the plains to the south. The village is now an affluent suburb to the nearby larger town. Back to the memories of Mrs Shaw who lived in Sandy Lane. Of her school in SL where the teacher wouldn't let her go to the loo, so she did it in the field on the way home. Back to th...